Coaching and Consulting Services


Senior Management Alignment around Company Vision and Strategy

Leadership alignment is powerful.  When CEOs and their direct reports align to the company vision and strategy, there is clarity about the roadmap to success.  Without this alignment, well intended executives end up with cross purposes and confuse the organization.  We assist senior leaders to understand their roles, functions, and individual and collective accountability to achieve the organization’s imagined future.


Executive Coaching and Retreats

Reaching peak performance requires self-awareness from leaders about their strengths and their blind spots.  Building on strengths and neutralizing weaknesses creates the ideal competencies to achieve outstanding results.  Our executive coaching focuses on action-oriented demonstration of new and renewed capabilities.

Facilitation of executive retreats and business meetings maximizes the contribution of the participants to accelerate the achievement of desired outcomes.


Creating High Performance Cultures

How would your employees describe the culture of your organization?  Would their description match yours?  If company culture is inconsistent with your values and performance expectations, we can lead you through a process to create the culture that aligns with your aspirations.


Organizational Change

The track record for most large-scale organizational change is disappointing at best.  Our proven approach to organizational change maximizes the probability of success that employees will embrace the change and implement the new vision.